
                                              Wonderful new tapping rhythm game!

                                                          Present by iGoBeat Team!



~~ 您不可错过的精彩的音游iTapstar~~

经过长时间的酝酿和设计,广受大家喜爱的音乐游戏iGoBeat的姐妹篇"iTapStar"正式登场.  这是一款开放的, 自由的音乐节拍类游戏, 聆听动听的音乐, 利用触摸屏的点击、滑动、长按等动作配合音乐节拍模拟钢琴和键盘类乐器的操作. 激发您的肾上腺素,挑战您的反应能力及手指灵活度的极限.


◎种类繁多的乐曲,古典、现代、电子... 您一定能找到一首感动您的旋律。 新的乐曲随时更新。

◎精美绝伦的画面,支持Retina.  在您的iPad高清显示屏上呈现完美画面。

◎开放的制作接口,支持AE. BMSE. OSU等工具自制谱面。如果您的动手能力强,我们非常欢迎你来参与。


1.多种音符融合:普通音符,滑动音符.长音符,奖励音符. 各有特色,能复合各种类型的音乐,设计出千变万化的谱面.




iGoBeat Pro和 iTapStar专门QQ群:193903363

iGoBeat群:65412321,125402632, 171563068,



新浪微博: http://weibo.com/igobeat




   Simple and Funny.

   Lots of music collections.  More songs coming up every week.

   Beautiful graphic with amazing themes. (Supported retina display)

   Join us and make your own songs to play.

✭✭About iTapStar✭✭

iTapStar is a  wonderful new rhythm game for iPad. It allows the players to simulate the performance of pop music by tapping, holding and sliding your fingers on the touch screen.  It's a companion game of  iGoBeat.

It's  very simple to play.  You no need to learn the piano or the keyboard. Just tapping follow the notes and achieve the score higher and higher.

✭✭Special Features✭✭

1. Two kind of notes:Normal and Long Notes. 

2. Everybody can play. Smoothly gameplay and Wonderful graphic design.

3.Medal System illustration There are 2 types of medal you can win by playing any songs.

4.GameCenter Leader board are enabled。



iTapStar for iPad/iPad Mini

Version 1.0.1

Check out Videohttp://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTI1NDY0NDk2.html

$ 1.99